Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fabienne and the Puddle

Finally the rain stopped.  The sun peeked out from behind a few dark clouds still rolling across the sky, but it was dry enough to go outside and explore.

Fabienne found her friend, Mr. Turtle.

"Knock knock!"

"Who's there," said Mr. Turtle.


"Fabienne who?"

(Fabienne always giggled at this because she knew that Mr. Turtle was pretending not to know "Fabienne who.")

"Fabienne and you are going to find some puddles!"

"Knock Knock Jokes" and puddles were Mr. Turtles favorite things, so he jumped up and the two friends ran outside to find some puddles.

It didn't take long.

Several large puddles dotted the street at the bottom of the garden.

"Why do you think there are puddles?" Fabienne asked Mr. Turtle.

Mr. Turtle thought long and hard and finally said, "So you can see the sky by looking down."

It was true!  Looking into the puddle you could see the sun and the clouds above.

"What else?" Fabienne asked.

Mr. Turtle thought long and hard and finally said, "So the leaves have a place to swim."

It was true!  The red, gold and yellow leaves were floating in the puddle.  It was almost as if they were floating in the sky.

"What else?" Fabienne asked.

Mr. Turtle thought long and hard, and long and hard, and long and hard - Mr. Turtle was getting quite tired of thinking so long and hard!

Mr. Turtle replied, "I give up.  My thinker is all thinked out.  What else, indeed, Fabienne?"

And with that Fabienne made a great leap, landed in the middle of the puddle and splashed water everywhere, especially on Mr. Turtle!

"Why, for jumping," Fabienne laughed.

Then Fabienne and Mr. Turtle spent the rest of the afternoon jumping in as many puddles as they could.  They had a most wonderful time.

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